When you are applying for jobs, a merely good cover letter may not cut it. Hiring managers look for the applications that are truly outstanding, so you need to know what you are doing in order to make a strong impression in an employer’s mind. If you are looking for a job in the food service industry, read through this professional kitchen hand cover letter sample to see what elements should be included. The tips that accompany it will provide you with a better understanding of how to format the letter.
Professional Kitchen Hand Cover Letter Sample
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Kitchen Hand Cover Letter Must-Haves
Something you must have at the very beginning of the letter is the name of the person you are submitting to, because you never want an address as vague as Dear Hiring Manager. Next, your introduction needs to get to the point about why you are applying. There is no need to have an incredibly long backstory, but you can give a sentence or two about your past if it is relevant. Your cover letter needs to have information that was not given on your resume. Finally, your own document needs to be about as long as this professional kitchen hand cover letter sample, which is three paragraphs.
Best Action Verbs for a Kitchen Hand Cover Letter
Show off your vocabulary like this professional kitchen hand cover letter sample does and use more active verbs, such as aided, arranged, assisted, contributed, sanitized, helped, supported, and supplied.
Cover Letter Text
Dear Leslie Morales,
Having worked at a restaurant for the last eight months, I feel thoroughly prepared to be your new kitchen hand and maintain a high level of sanitation at the Open Road Grill. I know how to work efficiently with numerous chefs at the same time and ensure everyone has the tools they need to succeed. I am a strong proponent of the philosophy that every second is an opportunity to make sure the restaurant is running as effectively as possible. If the chefs have everything they need, I take it upon myself to mop up any spills on the floor or bus tables. My last boss took notice of my initiative and was pleased at how much better the place looked after I was brought on. However, when I did need to assist the cooks, I was always at the top of my game. My listening skills really got put to the test because I would need to hear what the chef was saying over the sound of patrons talking and pots boiling. I quickly learned the terminology associated with a restaurant and could provide cooks with the ingredients they needed promptly. I know there is still a lot for me to learn, and I am more than willing to put in the effort to understand what makes Open Road Grill tick. Thank you for considering me for the position, and I hope to speak with you at greater length soon.
John Doe
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